Integrate Streak with Any App

Integrate Streak with Any App

Unlock the full potential of Streak by seamlessly integrating it with any other app. With Latenode, you can harness the power of no-code integrations and create custom workflows that automate your business processes. Experience the best of both worlds - no-code simplicity and full-code flexibility.

Streak Actions

A no-code Streak Action nodes will be available soon.

These are the things that can be done using Streak Actions:

Streak Triggers

A no-code Streak Trigger nodes will be available soon.

Entretanto, podes solicitar o desenvolvimento de gatilhos personalizados aqui.

These are the things that can be done using Streak Triggers:


A autorização estará disponível em breve.

Se necessitares desta integração de aplicações, podes solicitar um desenvolvimento rápido de aplicações.

What is Streak?

Streak is a powerful CRM tool that integrates directly with Gmail, allowing you to manage your sales pipeline, contacts, and tasks without leaving your inbox. It provides a range of features for tracking deals, managing customer relationships, and collaborating with your team.

With Streak, you can easily organize and prioritize your sales leads, set reminders for follow-ups, and get valuable insights into your sales process. Its seamless integration with Gmail makes it a popular choice for businesses looking to streamline their sales workflows.

How to integrate Streak with any app using

Step 1: Sign up for Streak and set up authorization inside

To get started, sign up for a Streak account and connect it to your Gmail. Then, head over to and set up the authorization for Streak. This will allow to securely access your Streak data and enable seamless integration with other apps.

Step 2: Create a workflow in to integrate Streak with any app

With the authorization in place, you can now create a workflow in to integrate Streak with any app of your choice. provides a user-friendly, low-code platform that allows you to visually design your workflow by dragging and dropping the necessary actions and triggers.

Step 3: Add new leads to Streak from various sources

One of the most popular actions in Streak is adding new leads to your pipeline. With, you can easily set up a workflow that automatically adds new leads to Streak from various sources such as web forms, spreadsheets, or other apps. This saves you time and ensures that no leads slip through the cracks.

Automate any workflow for Streak with

Automating your workflows is crucial for streamlining your sales process, saving time, and improving productivity. enables you to automate a wide range of scenarios involving Streak and other apps, allowing you to focus on high-value tasks and closing deals.

Example 1: Automatically create tasks in Streak when a new lead is added

Set up a workflow that automatically creates a task in Streak whenever a new lead is added to your pipeline. This ensures that you never forget to follow up with a potential customer and keeps your sales process moving forward.

Example 2: Sync data between Streak and your marketing automation platform

Keep your customer data in sync by setting up a workflow that automatically updates contact information in Streak whenever changes are made in your marketing automation platform. This ensures that your sales and marketing teams always have access to the most up-to-date information.

Example 3: Send personalized emails to leads based on their stage in the pipeline

Create a workflow that sends personalized emails to your leads based on their current stage in your Streak pipeline. This allows you to nurture your leads effectively and move them closer to a sale without manually sending out emails.

Example 4: Update lead status in Streak when a contact opens an email

Integrate Streak with your email marketing platform to automatically update a lead's status in your pipeline when they open an email. This real-time information helps you gauge the interest level of your leads and take appropriate actions to engage them further.

Example 5: Create new deals in Streak from closed won opportunities in your CRM

Streamline your sales process by setting up a workflow that automatically creates new deals in Streak whenever a closed won opportunity is recorded in your primary CRM system. This ensures that your Streak pipeline always reflects the most current sales data and reduces manual data entry.


Integrating Streak with other apps and automating your workflows using can significantly enhance your sales process, save time, and boost productivity. By leveraging the power of low-code integration and automation, you can streamline your operations, ensure data consistency across platforms, and focus on what matters most – closing deals and growing your business.

Popular workflows automations with Streak

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Take control of your Streak workflows with Latenode. Create custom integrations by choosing triggers, actions, and searches that fit your business needs. A trigger is an event that launches the workflow, while an action is the event that follows. With Latenode, you have the power to automate your Streak processes and unlock new levels of productivity.

Automate this Streak events

What could you do with Streak automation

Make search with Streak No-Code integrations

Build Your Streak Integrations

Quickly automate Streak integrations with Latenode templates

Popular Streak Workflows

Looking to get more out of Streak? With Latenode, you can visually integrate Streak into any workflow to save time and resources — no coding required. Try for free in just a few clicks.
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Porquê Low-Code e o que torna Latenode diferente?

As plataformas de integração fornecem frequentemente uma vasta gama de aplicações com conectores sem código. Embora ofereçamos vários nós sem código, acreditamos que as soluções sem código podem ser limitadoras em alguns aspectos. Por isso, pensamos que os utilizadores devem ter total liberdade para criar qualquer tipo de integração que pretendam com o apoio da IA. Para esse efeito, oferecemos uma ferramenta que te permite escrever a tua própria integração utilizando código JS e um copiloto de IA. Recomendamos-te que a experimentes e leias mais sobre ela para saberes como funciona.