Como criar uma extensão do Chrome para resumir e guardar páginas Web


Welcome to today's tutorial on building a Chrome extension that summarizes and saves web pages. This powerful tool can help you create concise summaries of articles and webpages, storing them in a knowledge base for easy reference.

What You Will Need

Setting Up Your Environment

Step 1: Create Manifest File

Begin by creating a manifest.json file. This file contains the metadata necessary for the Chrome extension to function.

 "version": "1.0",
 "name": "Web Summarizer",
 "description": "Summarize and save web pages",
 "permissions": ["activeTab", "scripting", "storage"],
 "background": {
   "service_worker": "background.js"
 "action": {
   "default_popup": "popup.html",
   "default_icon": "images/icon.png"

Step 2: Create Options and Background Files

Add an options.html file and its corresponding JavaScript file, options.js, to handle settings for API endpoints and keys.

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <link href="[email protected]/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
 <script defer src="options.js"></script>
   <label for="api-endpoint">API Endpoint:</label>
   <input type="text" id="api-endpoint" name="api-endpoint" class="border">
   <label for="api-key">API Key:</label>
   <input type="text" id="api-key" name="api-key" class="border">
   <button id="save">Save</button>
   <span id="status"></span>

In background.js, set up context menus and handle actions.

chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => {
   id: "summarizePage",
   title: "Summarize Page",
   contexts: ["page"]
   id: "summarizeSave",
   title: "Summarize and Save",
   contexts: ["page"]
   id: "openOptions",
   title: "Open Options",
   contexts: ["browser_action"]

Creating the Popup

Next, create popup.html and popup.js to manage the interactions within the popup window.

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <link href="[email protected]/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
 <script defer src="popup.js"></script>
   <button id="summarize-page">Summarize Page</button>
   <button id="summarize-save">Summarize and Save</button>
</html>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
 let summarizeButton = document.getElementById('summarize-page');
 let saveButton = document.getElementById('summarize-save');
 summarizeButton.addEventListener('click', summarizePage);
 saveButton.addEventListener('click', summarizeAndSave);

 function summarizePage() {
   // Logic to summarize page

 function summarizeAndSave() {
   // Logic to summarize and save

Step 3: Late Node and APIs

Set up your backend using Late Node. Ensure that you handle the webhooks and API key validation, calling Staco or OpenAI for summarizing content.

 path: '/api/summary',
 handler: async (req, res) => {
   const { action, content, apiKey } = req.body;
   let summary = await getSummary(content, apiKey);
   return res.status(200).json({ message: summary });

Use Markup Go to convert URLs to images and markdown to PDFs, saving these to Google Drive and Notion.

Deploy and Test

Load your unpacked extension in Chrome's developer mode. Test each feature to ensure that your extension summarizes and saves content as expected. Troubleshoot any issues and optimize for speed and reliability.


Building a Chrome extension for summarizing and saving web pages can significantly streamline your workflow. With tools like Late Node, Staco, and Markup Go, integrating robust functionality becomes simpler.

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